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Most of Dr. Fahey’s peer-reviewed publications can be linked to, directly.  The list below starts with his most recent papers.  They fall broadly into the groups identified in the Research Interests section.



  1. Ramakrishnan, M, JW Fahey, AW Zimmerman, X Zhou, AA Panjwani. (2024) The role of isothiocyanate-rich plants and supplements in neuropsychiatric disorders: A review and update.  Frontiers in Nutrition. doi 10.3389/fnut.2024.1448130.

  2. Fahey, JW, J Smilovitz Burak & D Evans. (2022) Sprout microbial safety: A reappraisal after a quarter-century.  Food Frontiers: 1-7.

  3. Ou, J., RC Smith, RH Tobe, J Lin, J Arriaza, JW Fahey, R Liu, Y Zeng, Y Liu, L Huang, Y Shen, Y Li, D Cheng, B Cornblatt, JM David, J Zhao, R Wu, H Jin.  (2022) Efficacy of Sulforaphane in Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Multi-center Trial.   J Autism Dev Disord.

  4. Zinian Wang, Chengjian Tu, Rachel Pratt, Thaer Khoury, Jun Qu, Jed W. Fahey, Susan E. McCann, Yuesheng Zhang, Yue Wu, Alan D. Hutson, Christine B. Ambrosone, Stephen B. Edge, Helen H. Cappuccino, Kazuaki Takabe, Jessica S. Young, Li Tang.  (2022)  A presurgical-window intervention trial of isothiocyanate-rich broccoli sprout extract in patients with breast cancer.  Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.  DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.202101094

  5. Hei, G, RC Smith, R Li, J Ou, X Song, Y Zheng, Y He, J Arriaza, JW Fahey, B Cornblatt, D Kang, Y Yang,  J Huang, X Wang, K Cadenhead, M Zhang, JM Davis, J Zhao, H Jin, R Wu.  (2022)  Sulforaphane Effects on Cognition and Symptoms in First and Early Episode Schizophrenia: A Randomized Double-Blind Trial, Schizophrenia Bulletin Open; sgac024,

  6. Chiu, BC, ME Olson,  JW Fahey. (2021) Exploring the Use of Moringa oleifera as a Vegetable in Agua Caliente Nueva, Jalisco, Mexico: A Qualitative Study. Food Frontiers 2(3): 294-304. 

  7. Fahey, JW & TW Kensler (2021) Phytochemicals: Do they belong on our plate for sustaining healthspan?  Food Frontiers 2(3): 235-239.

  8. Zimmerman, AW, K Singh, SL Connors, E Diggins, A Foley, A Panjwani, L-C Lee, S Melnyk, SJ James, H Liu, and JW Fahey.  (2021) Sulforaphane treatment of children with autism spectrum disorder.  Molecular Autism.

  9. Fahey, JW & TW Kensler.  (2021)  The challenges of designing and implementing clinical trials with broccoli sprouts . . .  and turning evidence into public health action.  Frontiers in Nutrition doi:10.3389/fnut.2021.648788.

  10. Dickerson, FB, AB Origoni, EB Katsafanas, A Squire, T Newman, J Fahey, J-C Xiao, C Stallings, J Goga, S Khushalani, R Yolken (2021) Randomized controlled trial of an adjunctive sulforaphane nutraceutical in schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia Research. 231: 142-144.

  11. Waterman, Carrie, Jed W. Fahey, and Mark E. Olson.  (2021) A review of scientific results on uses of Moringa-based leaf products. Acta Horticulturae 1306: 121-134.  doi 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1306.15.

  12. Soroosh, Aurash J.,  Robin Henderson, Lori Dodson, Clifford S. Mitchell, and Jed W. Fahey (2020)  Mitigating potential public health problems associated with edible cannabis products through adequate regulation: A landscape analysis.  Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 14:1-9.  DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2020.1793099

  13. Hua Liu, Andrew W. Zimmerman, Kanwaljit Singh, Susan L. Connors, Eileen Diggins, Katherine K. Stephenson, Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova, Jed W. Fahey.  (2020) Biomarker exploration in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells for monitoring sulforaphane treatment responses in autism spectrum disorder. Scientific Reports 10:5822

  14. Panjwani, Anita A., Yuelong Ji, Jed W Fahey, Amanda Palmer, Guoying Wang, Xiumei Hong, Barry Zuckerman, Xiaobin Wang. (2020) Maternal Dyslipidemia, Plasma Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs), and Child Autism Spectrum Disorder Risk: Evidence of Sex Difference. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 50:540–550.

  15. Fahey JW and TA Shapiro (2019)  In Memorium: Inimitable Paul Talalay (1923-2019)  Trends in Pharmacological Sciences 40(6): 359-361

  16. Faust, Travis E., Wendy Xin, Brian Lee, Amit Agarwal, Sneha Saha, Trexy Palen, Tyler Cash-Padgett, Daniel Wood, Antonello Bonci, Jed W. Fahey, Hanna Jaaro-Peled, Dwight E. Bergles, Akira Sawa.  (2019) Astrocyte redox dysregulation causes prefrontal hypoactivity: sulforaphane treats non-ictal pathophysiology in ALDH7A1-mediated epilepsy. BioRxiv doi: (posted Oct 7, 2019).

  17. Fahey JW. (2019)  Moringa oleifera medicinal potential and benefits.  Chapter 13 in The Miracle Tree: Moringa oleifera, Second Edition.  MC Palada, AW Ebert, and RC Joshi (Eds). September 2019.  494 pp. Xlibris. ISBN 9781796044546.

  18. Yagishita Y., Fahey JW, Dinkova-Kostova AT and Kensler TW.  (2019) Broccoli or sulforaphane: is it the source or dose that matters? Molecules 24, 3593; doi:10.3390/molecules24193593.

  19. Panjwani, Anita A., Yuelong Ji, Jed W Fahey, Amanda Palmer, Guoying Wang, Xiumei Hong, Barry Zuckerman, Xiaobin Wang.  (2019) Maternal obesity/diabetes, plasma branched-chain amino acids and autism spectrum disorder risk in urban low-income children: Evidence of sex difference. Autism Research 12(10): 1562-1573. DOI: 10.1002/aur.2177.

  20. Sidhaye, Venkataramana K., Janet T. Holbrook, Alyce Burke, Kuladeep R. Sudini, Sanjay Sethi, Gerard J. Criner, Jed W. Fahey, Charles S. Berenson, Michael R. Jacobs, Rajeh Thimmulappa, Robert A. Wise, Shyam Biswal. (2019) Compartmentalization of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory gene expression in current and former smokers with COPD. Respiratory Research 20:190

  21. Fahey JW, KL Wade, KK Stephenson, Y Shi, H Liu, AA Panjwani, C Warrick, ME Olson. (2019) A strategy to deliver precise oral doses of the glucosinolate or isothiocyanate from Moringa oleifera leaves for use in clinical studies. Nutrients 11(7), 1547.

  22. Fahey JW, Wade KL, Stephenson KK, Panjwani AA, Liu H, Cornblatt G, Cornblatt B, Ownby S, Fuchs E, Holtzclaw WD, Cheskin LJ  (2019)   Bioavailability of sulforaphane following ingestion of glucoraphanin-rich broccoli sprout extract with active myrosinase: A pilot study of the effects of proton pump inhibitor administration. Nutrients 11(7), 1489;

  23. Chen, Jian-Guo,  Jamie Johnson, Patricia Egner, Derek Ng, Jian Zhu, Jin-Bing Wang,  Xue-Feng Xue, Yan Sun, Yong-Hui Zhang, Ling-Ling Lu, Yong-Sheng Chen, Yan Wu, Yuan-Rong Zhu, Steven Carmella, Stephen Hecht, Lisa Jacobson, Alvaro Munoz, Kevin Kensler, Ana Rule, Jed Fahey, Thomas Kensler.  (2019) Dose-dependent detoxication of the airborne pollutant benzene by broccoli sprout beverage in randomized trial in Qidong, China.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition nqz122,

  24. Kalin, Jay H., Abdulkerim Eroglu, Hua Liu, W. David Holtzclaw, Irene Leigh, Charlotte M. Proby, Jed W. Fahey, Philip A. Cole, Albena T. Dinkova-Kostova.  (2019) Investigation into the use of histone deacetylase inhibitor MS-275 as a topical agent for the prevention and treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in an SKH-1 hairless mouse model  PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213095. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213095

  25. Panjwani A, H Liu, JW Fahey.  (2018) Crucifers and related vegetables and supplements for neurologic disorders: What is the evidence?  Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care  21: 451-457. DOI:10.1097/MCO.0000000000000511.

  26. Bent S, B Lawton, T Warren, F Widjaja, K Dang, JW Fahey, B Cornblatt, J Kinchen, K Delucchi, RL Hendren.  (2018)  Identification of urinary metabolites that correlate with clinical improvements in children with autism treated with sulforaphane from broccoli. Molecular Autism  9: 35. 

  27. Sedlak TW, LG Nucifora, M Koga, LS Shaffer, C Higgs, T Tanaka, AM Wang, JM Coughlin, P Barker, JW Fahey, A Sawa.  (2018) Sulforaphane augments glutathione and influences brain metabolites in human subjects: A clinical pilot study. Molecular Neuropsychiatry  3: 214-222..

  28. Fahey JW, ME Olson, KK Stephenson, KL Wade, GM Chodur, D Odee, W Noumann, M Massiah, J Alt, PA Egner, WC Hubbard.  (2018) The diversity of chemoprotective glucosinolates in moringaceae (Moringa spp.). Scientific Reports 8: art. no. 7994, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-26058-4.

  29. Chodur, GM, ME Olson, KL Wade, KK Stephenson, W Nouman, Garima, JW Fahey.  (2018)  Wild type and domesticated Moringa oleifera differ markedly in taste, glucosinolate composition, and antioxidant potential, but not myrosinase activity or protein content Scientific Reports 8: art. no. 7995, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-26059-3.

  30. Palliyaguru DL, J-M Yuan, JW Fahey, TW Kensler. (2018) Isothiocyanates: translating the power of plants to people.  Mol Nutr Food Res 1700965.  DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201700965.

  31. Dayalan Naidu S, T Suzuki, M Yamamoto, JW Fahey, AT Dinkova-Kostova.  (2018)  Phenethyl isothiocyanate, a dual activator of transcription factors NRF2 and HSF1 and a potent chemoprotector.  Mol Nutr Food Res

  32. Tahata S, SV Singh, Y Lin, E-R Hahm, JH Beumer, SM Christner, UN Rao, C Sander, AA Tarhini, H Tawbi, LK Ferris, M Wilson, M Petrany, A Rose, JW Fahey, SA Leachman, PB Cassidy, LH Butterfield, HM Zarour, JM Kirkwood. (2018) Dose-response evaluation of biomarkers of sulforaphane in melanoma patients with multiple atypical nevi. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-17-0268.

  33. Axelsson AX, E Tubbs, B Mecham, S Chacko, HA Nenonen, Y Tang, JW Fahey, JMJ Derry, CB Wollheim, N Wierup, MW Haymond, SH Friend, H Mulder, AH Rosengren.  (2017) Sulforaphane reduces hepatic glucose production and improves glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes.  Science Translational Medicine 9(394): eaah4477.

  34. Lynch R, EL Diggins, SL Connors, AW Zimmerman, K Singh, H Liu, P Talalay, JW Fahey.  (2017) Sulforaphane from broccoli reduces symptoms of autism: A follow-up case series from a randomized double-blind study. Global Advances in Health and Medicine 6:1-7

  35. Fahey JW.  (2017)  Moringa oleifera: A review of the medicinal potential.  Acta Horticulturae ISHS 1158: 209-224. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1158.25 

  36. Leone A, G Diorio, W Sexton, M Schell, M Alexandrow, JW Fahey, N Kumar.  (2017)  Sulforaphane for the chemoprevention of bladder cancer: Molecular mechanism targeted approach.  Oncotarget doi: 10.18632/oncotarget. 16015.

  37. Kerns ML, L Guss, JW Fahey, B Cohen, JMC Hakim, S Sung, RG Lu, and PA Coulombe. (2017) Randomized, split-body, single-blinded clinical trial of topical broccoli sprout extract assessing the feasibility of its use in keratin-based disorders. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 76(3): 499-453.e1 doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2016.10.009. 

  38. Dinkova-Kostova AT, JW Fahey, RV Kostov, TW Kensler.  (2017)  KEAP1 and done? Targeting the NRF2 pathway with sulforaphane.  Trends in Food Science and Technology 69(Part B): 257-269.

  39. Fahey JW. (2017)  Viewpoint: Superfood or Super-Hype?  Johns Hopkins Health Review.  4(1): 66-67

  40. Benedict AL, EV Knatko, RV Kostov, Y Zhang, M Higgins, S Kalra, JW Fahey, SH Ibbotson, CM Proby, P Talalay, AT Dinkova-Kostova.  (2016)  The multifaceted role of sulforaphane in protection against UV radiation-mediated skin damage. In Juurlink B. (ed.) Broccoli: Cultivation, Nutritional Properties and Effects on Health.  Nova Publishers, NY.

  41. Johnson TL, AT Dinkova-Kostova, and JW Fahey.  (2016)  Glucosinolates from the Brassica Vegetables and their Health Effects. In Caballero B, Finglas P, and Toldrá F (eds) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health vol. 3, pp. 248-255. Oxford: Academic Press.

  42. Fahey JW.  (2016)  Brassica: Characteristics and Properties. In Caballero B, Finglas P, and Toldrá F (eds) The Encyclopedia of Food and Health vol. 1, pp. 469-477. Oxford: Academic Press.

  43. An SS, W Mitzner, W-Y Tang, K Ahn, A-R Yoon, J Huang, O Kilic, HM Yong, JW Fahey, S Kumar, S Biswal, ST Holgate, RA Panettieri Jr., J Solway, SB Liggett. (2016) An inflammation-independent contraction mechanophenotype of airway smooth muscle in asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. DOI:

  44. Knatko EV, M Higgins, JW Fahey, AT Dinkova-Kostova.  (2016)  Loss of Nrf2 abrogates the protective effect of Keap1 downregulation in preclinical models of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma.  Scientific Reports (Nature) 6: 25804. doi:10.1038/srep25804.

  45. Liu H, P Talalay, JW Fahey.  (2016)  Biomarker-guided strategy for treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD).  CNS & Neurological Disorders – Drug Targets. 15: 602-613. 

  46. Bauman JE, Y Zang, M Sen, C Li, L Wang, PA Egner, JW Fahey, DP Normolle, JR Grandis, TW Kensler, DE Johnson.  (2016) Prevention of carcinogen-induced oral cancer by sulforaphane.  Cancer Prevention Research 9(7): 547-557.

  47. Olson ME, RP Sankaran, JW Fahey, MA Grusak, D Odee, W Nouman.  (2016)  Leaf protein and mineral concentrations across the “miracle tree” genus Moringa. PLOS ONE. 11(7): e0159782.

  48. Fahey JW, KL Wade, SL Wehage, WD Holtzclaw, H Liu, P Talalay, E Fuchs, KK Stephenson. (2016) Stabilized sulforaphane for clinical use: Phytochemical delivery efficiency.  Molecular Nutrition and Food Research doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201600766.

  49. Wise RA, Holbrook JT, Crinert G, Sethi S, Rayapudi S, Sudini KR, Sugar EA, Burke A, Thimmulappa R, Singh A, Talalay P, Fahey JW, Berenson CS, Jacobs MR, Biswal S.  (2016)  Lack of Effect of Oral Sulforaphane Administration on Nrf2 Expression in COPD: a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled Trial. PLOS One 11(11): e0163716. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0163716. 

  50. Alexander E, and JW Fahey (2015) Opinion: Current fruit breeding practices – fruitful or futile?  October 19th 2015 (invited commentary).

  51. Wade KL, Y Ito, A Ramarathnam, WD Holtzclaw, JW Fahey.  (2015)  Novel purification of active myrosinase from plants by aqueous two-phase counter-current chromatography.  Phytochemical Analysis 26(1):47-53.

  52. Fahey JW, KK Stephenson, AJ Wallace.  (2015)  Dietary amelioration of Helicobacter infection. Nutrition Research DOI:http:/

  53. Knatko EV, SH Ibbotson, Y Zhang, M Higgins, JW Fahey, Paul Talalay, RS Dawe, J Ferguson, JT-J Huang, S Zheng, A Saito, S Kalra, AL Benedict, T Honda, CM Proby, AT Dinkova-Kostova.  (2015) Nrf2 activation protects against solar-simulated ultraviolet radiation in mice and humans. Cancer Prevention Research 8(6): 475-486.

  54. Brown RH, C Reynolds, A Brooker, P Talalay, JW Fahey. (2015) Sulforaphane improves the bronchoprotective response in asthmatics through Nrf2-mediated gene pathways. Respiratory Research 16:106. DOI 10.1186/s12931-015-0253-z  

  55. Bierwirth JE, KN Oftedal, GV Civille and JW Fahey. (2015) Flavor misattribution: A novel approach to improving compliance and blinding in food-based clinical interventions. NFS Journal. 1(1): 24-30.

  56. Fahey JW, WD Holtzclaw, SL Wehage, KL Wade, KK Stephenson, P Talalay.  (2015)  Sulforaphane bioavailability from glucoraphanin-rich broccoli: Control by active endogenous myrosinase. PLOS ONE 10(11):e0140963. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0140963.

  57. Egner PA, J-G Chen, AT Zarth, DK Ng, J-B Wang, KH Kensler, LP Jacobson, A Muñoz, JL Johnson, JD Groopman, JW Fahey, P Talalay, J Zhu, T-Y Chen, G-S Qian, SG Carmella, SS Hecht, TW Kensler. (2014)  Rapid and sustainable detoxication of airborne pollutants by broccoli sprout beverage: Results of a randomized clinical trial in China.  Cancer Prevention Research 7: 813-823.

  58. Singh K, SL Connors, EA Macklin, KD Smith, JW Fahey, P Talalay, AW Zimmerman.  (2014)  Sulforaphane treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 111(43): 15550-15555.

  59. Kensler TW, PA Egner, AS Agyeman, K Visvanathan, JD Groopman, J-G Chen, T-Y Chen, JW Fahey, P Talalay.  (2013)  Keap1-Nrf2 signalling: A target for cancer prevention by sulforaphane.  Topics in Current Chemistry 329: 163-178. 

  60. Egner PA, J-B Wang, Y-R Zhu, LP Jacobson, D Ng, A Munoz, JW Fahey, J-G Chen, T-Y Chen, G-S Qian, JD Groopman, TW Kensler.  (2013) Prevention of liver cancer in Qidong, China: Lessons from aflatoxin biomarker studies. Progress in Chemistry 25(9): 1454-1461. 

  61. Fahey JW, TW Kensler.  (2013) Frugal medicine: Health-span extension through green chemoprevention.  American Medical Association Virtual Mentor 15(4): 311-318.

  62. Fahey JW, KK Stephenson, KL Wade, P Talalay.  (2013)  Urease from Helicobacter pylori is inactivated by sulforaphane and other isothiocyanates.  Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications 435: 1-7.

  63. Tsuji PA, KK Stephenson, KL Wade, H Liu, JW Fahey.  (2013) Structure-activity analysis of flavonoids: Direct and Indirect antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory potencies and toxicities.  Nutrition and Cancer 65(7) 1014-1025.

  64. Kensler TW, D Ng, SG Carmella, M Chen, LP Jacobson, A Munoz, PA Egner, JG Chen, GS Qian, TY Chen, JW Fahey, P Talalay, JD Groopman, J-M Yuan, SS Hecht.  (2012)  Modulation of the metabolism of airborne pollutants by glucoraphanin-rich and sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout beverages in Qidong, China.  Carcinogenesis 33(1):101-107.

  65. Fahey JW, P Talalay, TW Kensler.  (2012) Notes from the field: “Green” chemoprevention as frugal medicine.  Cancer Prev Res 5(2):179-188. 

  66. Fahey JW, SL Wehage, WD Holtzclaw, TW Kensler, PA Egner, TA Shapiro, P Talalay. (2012)  Protection of humans by plant glucosinolates: Efficiency of conversion of glucosinolates to isothiocyanates by the gastrointestinal microflora.  Cancer Prevention Research 5(4):603-611.

  67. Johnson TL, JW Fahey.  (2012)  Black cohosh: Coming full circle?  Journal of Ethnopharmacology  141(3): 775-779.

  68. Egner PA, JG Chen, JB Wang, Y Wu, Y Sun,  JH Lu, J Zhu, YH Zhang, YS Chen, MD Friesen, LP Jacobson, A Muñoz, D Ng, GS Qian, YR Zhu, TY Chen, NP Botting, Q Zhang, JW Fahey, P Talalay, JD Groopman, TW Kensler.  (2011) Bioavailability of sulforaphane from two forms of broccoli sprout beverage: Results of a short term, cross-over clinical trial in Qidong, People’s Republic of China.  Cancer Prevention Research 4(3): 384-395.

  69. Suganuma H, JW Fahey, KE Bryan, ZR Healy, P Talalay. (2011) Stimulation of phagocytosis by sulforaphane. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 405(1): 146-151. 

  70. Olson ME, JW Fahey. (2011) Moringa oleifera: un árbol multiusos par las zonas tropicales secas.  Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 82:1071-1082. 

  71. Fahey JW. (2010) Beyond the Abstract – Allyl isothiocyanate-rich mustard seed powder inhibits bladder cancer growth and muscle invasion.  UroToday.  November 5, 2010. (

  72. Dinkova-Kostova AT, JW Fahey, AL Benedict, SN Jenkins, L Ye, SL Wehage, P Talalay. (2010) Dietary glucoraphanin-rich broccoli sprout extracts protect against UV radiation-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 hairless mice.  Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences 9: 597-600.

  73. Bhattacharya A, Y Li, KL Wade, JD Paonessa, JW Fahey, Y Zhang. (2010) Allyl isothiocyanate-rich mustard seed powder inhibits bladder cancer growth and muscle invasion.  Carcinogenesis 31(12): 2105-2110. 

  74. Rodriguez-Cantu L, J Gutierrez-Uribe, J Arreola-Vucovich, R Diaz de la Garza, JW Fahey and S Serna-Saldivar. (2010) Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) sprouts and extracts rich in glucosinolates and isothiocyanates affect cholesterol metabolism and genes involved on lipid homeostasis in hamsters.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59(4): 1095-1103.

  75. Healy ZR, AT Dinkova-Kostova, SL Wehage, RE Thompson, JW Fahey, P Talalay. (2009) Precise determination of the erythema response of human skin to ultraviolet radiation and quantification of effects of protectors.  Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine. 25: 45-50.

  76. Thurber M, JW Fahey. (2009) Adoption of Moringa oleifera to combat under-nutrition viewed through the lens of the 'Diffusion of Innovations' theory. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 48: 212-225.

  77. Doerr B, KL Wade, KK Stephenson, SB Reed, JW Fahey. (2009) Cultivar effect on Moringa oleifera glucosinolate content and taste: A pilot study.  Ecology of Food and Nutrition 48: 199-211.

  78. Lee SL, KL Stephenson, JW Fahey, TL Parsons, PL Lietman, AA Andrade, X Lei, H Yun, GH Soon, P Shen, S Danishefsky, C Flexner. (2009) Induction of chemoprotective phase 2 enzymes by ginseng and its components.  Planta Medica 75: 1-5.

  79. Yanaka A, JW Fahey, A Fukumoto, M Nakayama, S Inoue, S Zhang, M Tauchi, H Suzuki, I Hyodo, M Yamamoto. (2009) Dietary sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprouts reduce colonization and attenuate gastritis in Helicobacter pylori-infected mice and humans.  Cancer Prevention Research 2(4): 353-360.

  80. Munday R, P Mhawech-Fauceglia, CM Munday, JD Paonessa, L Tang, JS Munday, C Lister, P Wilson, JW Fahey, W Davis, Y Zhang.  (2008) Inhibition of urinary bladder carcinogenesis by broccoli sprouts. Cancer Res. 68(5): 1593-1600.

  81. Dinkova-Kostova AT, SN Jenkins, SL Wehage, DL Huso, AL Benedict, KK Stephenson, JW Fahey, H Liu, KT Liby, T Honda, GW Gribble, MB Sporn, P Talalay. (2008) A dicyano-triterpenoid induces cytoprotective enzymes and reduces multiplicity of skin tumors in UV-irradiated mice.  Biochem Biophys Res Commun 367: 859-865.

  82. Dinkova-Kostova AT, JW Fahey, SN Jenkins, SL Wehage, P Talalay. (2008) Rapid body weight gain increases the risk of ultraviolet radiation-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 hairless mice.  Nutrition Research 28(8): 539-543.

  83. Farag TH, JW Fahey, SS Khalfan, JM Tielsch. (2008) Diet as a factor in unexpectedly low prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection.  Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 102(11): 1164-1165.

  84. Ng F, H Yun, X Lei, SJ Danishefsky, JW Fahey, KK Stephenson, C Flexner, L Lee.  (2008) (3R,9R,10R)-Panaxytriol: a molecular-based nutraceutical with possible application to cancer prevention and treatment.  Tetrahedron Letters 49: 7178-7179.

  85. Fahey JW, KK Stephenson. (2007) Can fresh vegetable sprouts be produced for human consumption in areas with poor water quality? A pilot study.  Trees for Life Journal 2:1.

  86. Fahey JW, TW Kensler. (2007)  Role of dietary supplements/nutraceuticals in chemoprevention through induction of cytoprotective enzymes.  Chemical Research in Toxicology. 20: 572-576.

  87. Dinkova-Kostova AT, JW Fahey, KL Wade, SN Jenkins, TA Shapiro, EJ Fuchs, P Talalay. (2007) Induction of the phase 2 response in mouse and human skin by sulforaphane-containing broccoli sprout extracts.  Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev. 16(4): 847-851.

  88. Cornblatt BS, L Ye, AT Dinkova-Kostova, M Erb, JW Fahey, NK Singh, MS Chen, T Stierer, E Garrett-Meyer, P Argani, NE Davidson, P Talalay, TW Kensler, K Visvanathan. (2007) Preclinical and clinical evaluation of sulforaphane for chemoprevention in the breast.  Carcinogenesis. 28(7): 1485-1490.  

  89. Wade KL, IJ Garrard, JW Fahey. (2007) Improved hydrophilic interaction chromatography method for the identification and quantification of glucosinolates.  J. Chrom. A. 1154: 469-472.

  90. Talalay P, JW Fahey, ZR Healy, SL Wehage, AL Benedict, C Min,  AT Dinkova-Kostova. (2007) Sulforaphane mobilizes cellular defenses that protect skin against damage by UV radiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104: 17500-17505.

  91. Dinkova-Kostova AT, SN Jenkins, JW Fahey, L Ye, SL Wehage, KT Liby, KK Stephenson, KL Wade and P Talalay. (2006) Protection against UV-light-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 high-risk mice by sulforaphane containing broccoli sprout extracts.  Cancer Letters 240: 243-252.

  92. Tang L, Y Zhang, HE Jobson, J Li, KK Stephenson, KL Wade, JW Fahey. (2006) Potent activation of mitochondria-mediated apoptosis and arrest in S and M phases of cancer cells by a broccoli sprout extract.  Molec. Cancer Therapeutics 5(4): 935-944.

  93. Munday R, Y Zhang, JW Fahey, HE Jobson, CM Munday, J Li and KK Stephenson.  (2006) Evaluation of isothiocyanates as potent inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes in the urinary bladder: Critical nature of in vivo bioassay.  Nutrition Cancer 54(2): 223-231.

  94. Fahey JW, PJ Ourisson and FH Degnan. (2006) Pathogen detection, testing, and control in fresh broccoli sprouts. Nutrition Journal Apr 21; 5(1):13 [doi:10.1186/1475-2891-5-13]

  95. Shapiro TA, JW Fahey, AT Dinkova-Kostova, WD Holtzclaw, KK Stephenson, KL Wade, L Ye, P Talalay. (2006) Safety, tolerance, and metabolism of broccoli sprout glucosinolates and isothiocyanates: A clinical phase I study.  Nutrition and Cancer 55(1): 53-62.

  96. Zhang Y, R Munday, HE Jobson, CM Munday, C Lister, P Wilson, JW Fahey, P Mhawech-Fauceglia. (2006) Induction of GST and NQO1 in the urinary bladder by an extract of broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica) sprouts.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 54: 9370-9376.

  97. Fahey JW, IA Sutherland. (2005) Eulogy for Ed Chou.  J. Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 28:1789-1791

  98. Farnham MW, KK Stephenson, JW Fahey. (2005) Glucoraphanin level in broccoli seed is largely determined by genotype.  HortScience  40(1): 50-53.

  99. Fahey JW, KK Stephenson, AT Dinkova-Kostova, PA Egner, TW Kensler, P Talalay.  (2005)  Chlorophyll, chlorophyllin and related tetrapyrroles are significant inducers of mammalian phase 2 cytoprotective genes.  Carcinogenesis 26: 1247-1255.

  100. Haristoy X, JW Fahey, I Scholtus, A Lozniewski. (2005) Evaluation of antimicrobial effect of several isothiocyanates on Helicobacter pylori.  Planta Medica 71: 326-330.

  101. Fisher D, IJ Garrard, R Van den Heuvel, IA Sutherland, FE Chou, JW Fahey. (2005) Technology transfer and scale-up of a potential cancer-preventive plant [secondary product]: Dynamic extraction of glucoraphanin.  J. Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 28: 1913-1922.

  102. Kensler TW, J-G Chen , PA Egner , JW Fahey, LP Jacobson, KK Stephenson, X Ye, JL Coady, J-B Wang, Y Wu, Y Sun, Q-N Zhang, B-C Zhang, Y-R Zhu, G-S Qian, SG Carmella, SS Hecht, L Benning, SJ Gange, JD Groopman, P Talalay. (2005) Effects of glucosinolate-rich broccoli sprouts on urinary levels of aflatoxin-DNA adducts and phenanthrene tetraols in a randomized clinical trial in He Zuo Township, Qidong, PRC. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers Prev., 14(11): 2605-2613.

  103. Fahey JW. (2005) Moringa oleifera:  A review of the medical evidence for its nutritional, therapeutic, and prophylactic properties.  Part 1.  Trees for Life Journal, 1:5. 

  104. Farnham MW, PE Wilson, KK Stephenson, JW Fahey. (2004) Genetic and environmental effects on glucosinolate content and chemoprotective potency of broccoli.  Plant Breeding 123: 60-65.

  105. Fahey JW, AT Dinkova-Kostova, and P Talalay. (2004) The “Prochaska” microtiter plate bioassay for inducers of NQO1.  Chapter 14 in Methods in Enzymology, Vol. 382, Part B, pp. 243-258  (Eds.) H. Sies and L. Packer, Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA. 

  106. Dinkova-Kostova, AT, JW Fahey, and P Talalay. (2004) Chemical structures of inducers of nicotinamide quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1).  Vol. 382, Part B, pp. 423-448. in Methods in Enzymology, (Eds.) H. Sies & L. Packer, Elsevier Science, San Diego, CA.

  107. Fahey JW, A Munoz, Y Matsuzaki, H Suzuki, P Talalay, M Tauchi, S Zhang, C Hurt and A Yanaka. (2004) Dietary amelioration of Helicobacter pylori infection: Design criteria for a clinical trial.  Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prevent. 13(10): 1610-1616.

  108. Stephenson KK, JW Fahey. (2004) Development of tissue culture methods for the rescue and propagation of endangered Moringa spp. germplasm.  Economic Botany 58: s116-s124.

  109. Fahey JW.  (2003) “Brassicas” in Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, Eds. B. Caballero, L.C. Trugo & P.M. Finglas, Academic Press, London.  pp. 606-613.

  110. Fahey JW, KL Wade, KK Stephenson, FE Chou. (2003) Separation and purification of glucosinolates from crude plant homogenates by high-speed counter-current chromatography.   J. Chromatogr. A. 996: 85-93.

  111. Fahey JW, X Haristoy, PM Dolan, TW Kensler, I Scholtus , KK Stephenson, P Talalay,  A Lozniewski. (2002) Sulforaphane inhibits extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori and prevents benzo[a]pyrene-induced stomach tumors.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 7610-7615.

  112. Fahey JW. (2002) Dietary phytochemical delivery: Glucosinolates/ isothiocyanates.  Nutrition Today 37(5): 214-217.

  113. Pereira FM, E Rosa, JW Fahey, KK Stephenson, R Carvalho, A Aires. (2002) Influence of temperature and ontogeny on the levels of glucosinolates in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) sprouts and their effect on the induction of mammalian Phase 2 enzymes.  J. Agric. Food Chem.  50: 6239-6244.

  114. Fowke JH, JR Hebert, JW Fahey.  (2002) Urinary excretion of dithiocarbamates and self-reported Cruciferous vegetable intake: Application of the ‘Method of Triads’ to a food-specific biomarker.  Pub. Health Nutr. 5(6): 791-799.

  115. Fahey JW, KK Stephenson. (2002) Pinostrobin from Honey and Thai Ginger (Boesenbergia pandurata): A Potent Flavonoid Inducer of Mammalian Phase 2 Chemoprotective and Antioxidant Enzymes.  J. Agric. Food Chem.  50: 7422-7476.

  116. Fowke JH, JW Fahey, KK Stephenson, JR Hebert. (2001) Using isothiocyanate excretion as a biological marker of Brassica vegetable consumption epidemiological studies: evaluating the sources of variability. Pub. Health Nutr. 4(3):837-846.

  117. Fahey JW, AT Zalcmann, P Talalay. (2001) The chemical diversity and distribution of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates among plants. Phytochemistry 56(1):5-51. [corrigendum: Phytochemistry 59, 237.]

  118. Shapiro TA, JW Fahey, KL Wade, KK Stephenson, P Talalay. (2001) Disposition of chemoprotective glucosinolates and isothiocyanates of broccoli sprouts. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prevent. 10:501-508.

  119. Troyer JK, KK Stephenson, JW Fahey. (2001) Analysis of glucosinolates from broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography.  J. Chromatogr. A. 919(2):299-304.

  120. Talalay P, JW Fahey. (2001) Phytochemicals from cruciferous plants protect against cancer by modulating carcinogen metabolism.  J. Nutrition 131:3027S-3033S.

  121. Farnham MW, KK Stephenson, JW Fahey. (2000) The capacity of broccoli to induce a mammalian chemoprotective enzyme varies among inbred lines. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 125(4): 482-488.

  122. Khachik F, JS Bertram, MT Huang, JW Fahey, P Talalay. (1999) “Dietary carotenoids and their metabolites as potentially useful chemoprotective agents against cancer”.  In Proc. Int. Symp. Antioxidant Food Supplements in Human Health, Eds. L. Packer, M. Hiramatsu & T. Yoshikawa, pp. 203-229. Academic Press.

  123. Fahey JW. (1999) Future Super Foods?  The Johns Hopkins Health Insider 2(1):1,4.

  124. Fahey JW, P Talalay. (1999) Antioxidant functions of sulforaphane: A potent inducer of Phase 2 detoxication enzymes Fd. Chem. Toxicol. 37(9-10):973-979.

  125. Shikita M, JW Fahey, TR Golden, WD Holtzclaw, P Talalay. (1999) An unusual case of ‘uncompetitive activation’ by ascorbic acid:  Purification and kinetic properties of a myrosinase from Raphanus sativus seedlings, Biochem. J. 341:725-732.

  126. Fahey JW, KK Stephenson. (1999) Cancer chemoprotective effects of cruciferous vegetables. HortScience 34(7):1159-1163. 

  127. Fahey JW, BA Clevidence, RM Russell. (1999) Methods for assessing the biological effects of specific plant components, Nutrition Reviews 57(9):S34-S40.

  128. Fahey JW, KK Stephenson, P Talalay. (1998) Glucosinolates, myrosinase and isothiocyanates: Three reasons for eating brassica vegetables.  In ACS Symposium Series 701.  Functional Foods for Disease Prevention: Fruits, Vegetables and Teas, Eds. T Shibamoto, J Terao and T Osawa, pp. 16-22.

  129. Shapiro TA, JW Fahey, KL Wade, KK Stephenson, P Talalay. (1998) Metabolism and excretion of cancer chemoprotective glucosinolates and isothiocyanates of cruciferous vegetables. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomark. Prev. 7(12):1091-1100.

  130. Fahey JW. (1998) Underexploited African grain crops: A nutritional resource.  Nutrition Reviews 56(9):282-285.

  131. Meyer SLF, M Dimock, JW Fahey, G Johnson, RN Huettel. (1997) Field efficacy of Verticillium lecanii, sex pheromone, and pheromone analogs as potential management agents of soybean cyst nematode.  J.Nematol. 29(3):282-288.

  132. Fahey JW, Y Zhang, P Talalay. (1997) Broccoli sprouts: an exceptionally rich source of inducers of enzymes that protect against chemical carcinogens.  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:10367-10372.

  133. Prestera T, JW Fahey, W David Holtzclaw, C Abeygunawardana, JL.Kachinski, P Talalay. (1996) Comprehensive, chromatographic and spectroscopic methods for the separation and identification of intact glucosinolates.  Analytical Biochemistry 239:168-179.

  134. Fahey JW, P Talalay. (1995) The role of Crucifers in cancer chemoprotection.  In: Phytochemicals and Health, Eds. DL Gustine & HE Flores, pp 87-93.  American Society of Plant Physiologists.

  135. Talalay P, JW Fahey, WD Holtzclaw, T Prestera and Y Zhang. (1995) Chemoprotection against cancer by Phase 2 enzyme induction.  Toxicology Letters 82/83:173-179.

  136. Fahey JW, JL Kelly, SJ Kostka, DL Warkentin. (1993) One biotech company's solutions to traditional agrichemical problems.   Acta Horticulturae 336:147-153.

  137. Fahey JW, MB Dimock, SF Tomasino, JM Taylor and PS Carlson. (1991) Genetically engineered endophytes as biocontrol agents: A case study from industry.  Chapter 20 in Microbial Ecology of Leaves  [Eds.] J.H. Andrews & S.S. Hirano, Springer-Verlag, New York, pp 401-411.

  138. Fahey JW. (1988) "Endophytic bacteria for the delivery of agrichemicals to plants."  In:  H.G. Cutler [Ed.]  Biologically Active Natural Products:  Potential Uses in Agriculture.  pp. 120-128.  Amer. Chem. Society.

  139. Pace, GM, JN Reed, LC Ho, JW Fahey. (1987) Anther culture of maize and the visualization of embryogenic microspores by fluorescent microscopy.  Theoretical & Applied Genetics 73:863-869.

  140. Fahey JW, JN Reed, TL Readdy and GM Pace. (1986) Somatic embryogenesis from three commercially important inbreds of Zea mays.  Plant Cell Reports 5:35-38.

  141. Caplan JA and JW Fahey. (1982) Plate-clearing technique to screen mixed microbial populations for protein degraders.  Soil Biol. Biochem. 14:373-375.

  142. Caplan JA, JW Fahey, LT Mulligan. (1981) In vitro radiometry and microscopy for sensitive measurement of toxicity in activated sludge.  Eur. J. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 12: 123-127.

  143. Caplan JA, JW Fahey. (1980) A rapid assay for the examination of protein degradation in soils.  Bull. Environm. Contam. Toxicol. 25(3):424-426.

  144. Fahey JW, JA Caplan. (1980) New methodology for the rapid detection of protein degradation in activated sludge.  J. Environm. Sci. Health, B 16(1):67-73.

  145. Fahey JW. (1978) Some aspects of the chemistry of extracellular polysaccharide production in the cyanophyte Spirulina platensis.  (Gom.) Geitler, M.S. thesis; University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

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